Trailer issues

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Lopez Mike
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Trailer issues

Post by Lopez Mike »

The NW Steam society recently had it's annual meet at Toledo, Oregon. Except for some unpleasant weather, all had a decent time. There was, however, a remarkable rash of trailer problems. One member had an axle break but with no boat damage. Another experienced brake lockup on a brand new custom trailer. My trailer disassembled itself dramatically blocking traffic in a small town and significantly damaging my boat.

Please look over your trailer, if you use one, with a critical eye. My failure was such that the usual security measures like safety chains were of no use.

The report to my friends follows.


Monday afternoon August nineteenth I was driving Eastbound through Philomath, Oregon at 20 to 35 mph after having just descended from the low passes coming from Toledo. If this event had happened up there, I would probably not have a boat.

There was an almighty crash and scraping from behind me and nothing to see in my driver’s side mirror. Next was the unmistakable sound of a boat scraping along a street. I leapt out of the van to find Spiffy close behind the van but on the sidewalk and up against a railing. What was left of the trailer was still in the slow lane but with the remaining parts of the forward end jammed in a curb drain culvert.

The sequence of events was that first the tongue broke away from the rest of the trailer but, unfortunately, the break was to the rear of where the safety chains bolt on. Thus the hitch AND chains were still hooked to the van. Very elegant. When the trailer with the boat still attached, jammed into the drain, the trailer stopped from perhaps 20 mph in about a foot. The boat, of course, continued on, mostly disassembling the trailer in the process.

On further examination, almost all of the welds were of very poor penetration and also showed corrosion in the joints. That’s what you get with a free trailer.

Next followed a total fuss with three wreckers getting the boat back on to the remaining part of the trailer and moving the whole mess to the towing company’s yard. The next morning I located a much better used trailer (brand name even), returned to the towing company and watched another entertaining operation getting the boat from the old trailer to the new. I then walked over to the remains of the old trailer and relieved myself to the applause of the tow company crew.

Initial damage report:

Cost of the replacement trailer and a somewhat startling tow bill.

Rudder is a write-off. A 30 degree bend in a one inch stainless shaft where it emerges from the hull. The boaty little steering wheel will need a rebuild. One of the big sacks of firewood nailed it.

Some small cracking in the hull and deck where the rudder bearings were installed. Fixable with epoxy, thickener and a bit of cloth. The bottom rudder bearing is toast.

Boiler shifted three inches to starboard and an inch forward. Will need to remove it to replace the stringers.

Two feet of the stem near the bow on the bottom is chewed off. Damage seems to be confined to the solid wood part and not intruding into the plywood. Black Locust is tough stuff! Also the half round brass strip and the brass (bronze?) bow eye are hopelessly bent.

Stitch and glue construction with modern Sapele marine plywood is strong beyond belief.


Inspect your trailer carefully!!!

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama
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Re: Trailer issues

Post by marinesteam »

Oh no!!!!

Sorry this happened, especially after such a great weekend. Hopefully no more damage rears it's head once you get the boiler out. That's a lot of force.

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Re: Trailer issues

Post by PeteThePen1 »

Hi Mike and Friends

Many thanks for posting that story as it is a salutory reminder of what might go wrong if the trailer has not been well built. I would think that the other caution would be in relation to wheel bearings and getting them serviced annually or DIY if you have the skill.

So sorry to hear that your lovely boat has suffered in the incident.


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Lopez Mike
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Re: Trailer issues

Post by Lopez Mike »

Thanks to all for the condolences. So far, nothing unexpected has shown up and nothing further that is costing me much. I have a voluminous junk box which helps.

My partner is headed for six weeks in Ecuador starting in a week which means that I can devote those weeks to working on the boat and living in glorious bachelor squalor. He last words on boarding a plane are usually, "Don't get your head stuck in a pan."

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama
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