Dear Dietrich! The machine> as I said has the Linux CNC program installed. The operation of the machine is based on sample "G-code" commands. The are in the instructions> which I have in Russian (t's easier fo me). A photo of these instructions, are attached.
You can give a command using the keyboard and mouse. Bat very carefully. I have already broken a lot of tools (mills and drills) before I learned how to do basic work. Ingvar.
Merry Christmas to all forum participants! I wish you all success and achievements in the field of steam engines! For my part, I can report that, despite the cold weather, I continue to work on the project.
That is odd you're not able to post photos anymore. Perhaps try a 3rd-party photo hosting site like flicker, then you just ad the image URL into your post and the photos will automatically appear. I wouldn't recommend photobucket as after years and years of free use they decided to extort all their historic customers by charging them a significant sum.