How can the forum be improved?

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How can the forum be improved?

Post by Maltelec »

Please put replies to say how the forum could be improved in your view.
I've got the vehicle, just need the boat.

Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by 87gn@tahoe »

I think the forum is set up pretty well. I am completely satisfied with it's current setup.

I'll throw some ideas in here anyway;

Perhaps a "links" page with steamboat related websites and suppliers.. I know that doesn't really pertain to a "forum" format, but I think having as much information as possible on suppliers would help the "newbies".

Also, a "vendors" section where suppliers could field questions.. THOUGH, you would have to first get in contact with the various vedors and see if they would be willing to participate.

A "newbie" or FAQ (frequently asked questions) section where people who are just getting into steamboating can drill the more experienced members for info. Perhaps a few members could do writups on the basics of a steamplant, with descriptions of each part (i.e. feed pump, vacuum pump, condenser, etc.) and pictures of course..

I dunno.... The current format is pretty solid.. These ideas could jumble it up too .
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Johnlanark »

I agree with Wesley that a section for newcomers would be great. It could set out basic information and invite queries on such things as - what hulls make good steamers, and how can I get or build one; what size engine will I need for my chosen hull and how can I get or make one; what size boiler will I need for that engine and how can I get or make one. Where can I see steamboats?

Practical information is hard to come by. The old book Steamboats & Modern Steam Launches is still a widely quoted source, but it's nearly fifty years old now. Perhaps this site could help fill a gap.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by farmerden »

I think everyone should ask questions and everyone could try an answer. I've answered a few where my answer was not correct -so I don't know everything-yet!! But the people who contribute to the site make it work.Simon did a great job setting it up -now it's up to us to keep it up! And the social aspect of this site is unbelievable-I now know people from all over the world and can make contact instantly.I think I can call some friends {they don't know me well! :D ] There's not many of us out there and with this forum we can sit down,throw a few questions out there,have a coffee [tea]and generally BS just like we were sitting in one of our shops!! Den PS thanks you guys for being there!
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by PeteThePen1 »

Dear Steam Boaters

I too would agree with the view that this Forum is fine as it is. There may come a time when changes seem a good idea, but certainly at the moment nothing strikes me as a "must do". The newcomers guide is a good idea. However, speaking as a newcomer, I think that we(I?) get a very good service from members with the system. For example, the advice I received on deck camber and steering gear has been excellent and made my project much better than it would have been.

I wonder, do we need to try and recruit more folk onto the Forum? I did start trying to get some window stickers similar to those that Wesley created, but chasing up the printer seems to have slipped off my jobs list. Better put it back!


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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by artemis »

Having managed a forum awhile back, I agree with most who say it's OK as is. Let time and users develop it's direction.

There are lots of websites out there with advice to newbies, lists of suppliers of equipment, etc., etc., and etc. Pete the Pen has the right of it.

Perhaps the most useful website for us would be "how to google the internet for hobby steamboat information"? I am continually amazed how many people send me questions that I have answered in under a minute on Google. To quote an old yellow pages telephone saying: "Let your fingers do the walking" :!:
Ron Fossum
Steamboating Magazine Editor

Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by 87gn@tahoe »

Pete, if you or anyone else would like a sticker or two (I have two lengths, 14" and 28", in white, silver, and black) just PM me or send me an email at and I will send whatever you want for the cost of shipping.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Maltelec »

I've got the vehicle, just need the boat.

Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by 87gn@tahoe »

Hey that's GREAT!

Lots of good info on there already.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by piet schuurs »

Nice job on the faq's.
Leave the rest as it is.
On every question I asked on the forum came an answere, so its good as it is.

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