Specs for my dream steam launch?

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Lopez Mike
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Re: Specs for my dream steam launch?

Post by Lopez Mike »

I've had good results building tanks two different ways. Leaving out such wonderful things as welding them up from metal (a good way to go).

I have built them from plywood and epoxy pretty much like the stitch and glue dingy methods. The water tanks in my sailboat have made it 25 years and a circuit of the Pacific Ocean so far.

I have built some motor vehicle tanks from sheet ABS plastic and ordinary ABS pipe cement. It is a homogenous joint and amazingly tough. I just glue in ABS pipe fittings wherever needed a bit like weldolets on a steel boiler.

In both cases the side of the tanks against the hull can be curved to fit.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama
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