old guy in Northern Indiana U.S.A.

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Re: old guy in Northern Indiana U.S.A.

Post by PeteThePen1 »

Hi Joe

Sorry about the link failing. I guess that was my fumble.

Here it is again: https://www.fyneboatkits.co.uk/kits/row ... ster-yawl/. If it fails again just Google "Fyne Boat Kits Chester Yawl" and that should take you there. I don't think the US government has a block on its citizens accessing UK webites, but perhaps other US Members can tell us their experience.

Oh what a pity that the canal and river are not quite up to what I had imagined. Anyway, it still sounds a nice place to be and any shop where one can have a foundry and pour metal sounds wonderful to me. Of course, you have to bear in mind that I spent my whole career pushing paper in one form or another. I came to metal work very late beginning with an inherited model maker's lathe. I set to work on that with the 'Idiot's guide to running a lathe' in one hand and the other on whichever wheel was needed. Support and encouragement from Mike Rometer, a fellow Forum Member has meant that I have expanded my skills a little since then but foundry work is still like magic to me.

Hope to follow you posts of whatever you set out to build.


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Re: old guy in Northern Indiana U.S.A.

Post by RNoe »

For USA wooden boats there are many possibilities.
Up here in the Pacific NW we have the Seattle Center for wooden Boats:
Several boat builders remain in Seattle.

I have rented a rowing skiff there very much like the Fyne boat referenced above. Delightful experience.
My son's 16th birthday was spent in those skiffs, 2 people per boat. They had a great time "messing about" on Lake Union.
An unusual birthday party...

And if you do a web search for Port Townsend wooden boats, several chandleries and wood boat builders are revealed.
Port Townsend and environs is a hotbed for wooden boats. My Steam Thistle came from that region.
And there are more on the east coast too, the "original" location for American boats. And probably in between...

Whether these boats are suitable for steam power is another question.
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