How can the forum be improved?

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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by daysaver1 »

Sometimes I go several weeks without opening the forum to see what's new. Occasionally when I reply to a posting, the original is old enough that I don't expect anyone will read my reply...even when I have good information to share. Is it possible to send out an email notice, sort of like how it works on Yahoo groups, when a new post has entered the system? That immediate notice will remind me to go look at what's new.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by 87gn@tahoe »

in the "reply" page there are five check boxes at the bottom of the reply box, one of which is the "notify me when a reply is posted" box.. Check off that box and you will be notified.

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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by fredrosse »

It would be good if the automatic replacement of the word Die-sel was removed. Several posts involve burning this type of fuel, and the automatic replacement is not necessary. It would be nice to just spell it correctly: diesel. I don't know of other automatic replacements, but if there are any, perhaps they should also be removed.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Mike Rometer »

Hmm? I thought I'd posted this one already, but it doesn't seem to be here.

One thing that would be useful would be a button at the bottom of the posts to return to the top (or a repeat of the ones at the top) to save scrolling all the way back to the top to find the next topic. I know it's mainly laziness....but I would like it. :lol:
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Maltelec »

I'll have a think about that one. The forum layout is a pre-set program and not always easy to alter.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by VANYA »

Would it be possible or worthwhile to add a section at the bottom of the forum thread index page to choronologically list the postings. I see this on the model tugboat forum, at the bottom of the thread page.

Often look here first to see what is new.

Just a thought.

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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Dhutch »

fredrosse wrote:It would be good if the automatic replacement of the word Die-sel was removed. Several posts involve burning this type of fuel, and the automatic replacement is not necessary. It would be nice to just spell it correctly: smelly long-chain hydrocarbon. I don't know of other automatic replacements, but if there are any, perhaps they should also be removed.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Mike Rometer »

Mike Rometer wrote:Hmm? I thought I'd posted this one already, but it doesn't seem to be here.

One thing that would be useful would be a button at the bottom of the posts to return to the top (or a repeat of the ones at the top) to save scrolling all the way back to the top to find the next topic. I know it's mainly laziness....but I would like it. :lol:

This is actually a very late 'Edit' as I have found a forum with a good solution.

The header, i.e. everything above the navigation line remains on screen, and as you scroll down, the posts roll up behind it.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Maltelec »

A Forum with a fixed header causes issues with different types of screen shapes and is generally not recommended.

I have given into peer pressure (must be getting as old as you lot) and have removed the Diesel word censoring. Just be warned that uses who use Diesel inappropriately will be banned.
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Re: How can the forum be improved?

Post by Dhutch »

Yeah I am not a fan of fixed headers, Im also not a fan of wide-format monitors on computers, but given it appears we must make use of whats left over from the TV market and as most people watch films rather than using a laptop for anything else thats what we have and it makes fixed headers worse.

I must say use a mouse with a back button on it, and just hit that if I want to go back.

Top job on removing the bizarre word-filter on diesel, I struggle to see how you could use in inappropriately but will aim to check myself should it look like that is going to happen.

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