20th Annual Lake Nockamixon Steamboat Gathering

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Full Steam Ahead
Full Steam Ahead
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:54 pm
Boat Name: SL Phoebe Snow
Location: Quakertown, PA

20th Annual Lake Nockamixon Steamboat Gathering

Post by steamdon-jr »

It was a cool fall morning when I arrived at the Lake on Friday to intercept some students from the Stevens Institute of Hoboken NJ.
The students are working with Carl Kriegeskotte who cast, machined and built the John Stevens engine circa 1804, The students will be building the boiler that will power that engine and eventually propel a replica of the boat as well. The students all seemed to have a good time taking rides in various boats and even helping with the operation of them. For More info on Carl’s project visit
http://earlmorse.org/steamboatingpages/ ... skotte.htm
Saturday was cool and rainy and left a few indoors but some ventured out including my family and I who had to use rain gear since we do not yet have a canopy on Phoebe Snow. The brave ones steamed for a few hours before shutting down and covering the wood supply before heading to the beautifully restored 1902 Quakertown Train station for dinner.
Dinner was buffet style with chicken, pasta, veggies, dessert tray, child and Adult beverages all for the low cost of $15.00.
After dinner was over we sat back and watched a slide show by Frank Vopasek that consisted of steam ships of the Great Lakes, Hudson River Day Line and many others.
Sunday was much nicer and all were out in force steaming all around the lake and enjoying the last meet of the year on the east coast. My 8 year old son Dylan has really gotten to understand the operations of the boat and machinery and next year, well who knows. In total we had 13 boats and 44 people in attendance for dinner and I would like to thank everyone for making the 20th a great one.

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