Universal Tensioner

A special section just for steam engines and boilers, as without these you may as well fit a sail.
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Universal Tensioner

Post by cyberbadger »

Thought I'd share this universal tesioner from Mcmaster that I'm going to use on Nyitra. It has several adjustments possible and a 44lb tension arm that can be used to adapt to changing loads with a pulley or chain drive in the rough range (I hope) for a steam launch that is $100 and made in the USA.

I'll report back when I install it and test on Nyitra's next lake trial to see what the initial top speed will be. Only 3mph so far because the teeth on the cogbelt would start to slip and skip when I tried to give the engine more steam then that - hence the need for a tensioner....


McMaster page, $107 as of 11/8/2016: https://www.mcmaster.com/#1816K2





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