Need a 1" NPT Hoffman 1140-05 Valve BODY Unit ONLY

A special section just for steam engines and boilers, as without these you may as well fit a sail.
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Re: Need a 1" NPT Hoffman 1140-05 Valve BODY Unit ONLY

Post by cyberbadger »

fredrosse wrote: Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:43 pm Is that true, I thought the Amish sect of the Mennonites did not use phones, nor electricity, nor zippers, etc.
If it is for business it is generally allowed by the ordnung, which is set by their local bishop. But sometimes that phone can't be in their homes, it has to be in a separate building, or in their place of business.

"Because the Amish have no central church government, each assembly is autonomous and is its own governing authority."

Because of this a lot of variety exists.

I have seen pneumatic and hydraulic systems allowed where electricity is not allowed. If the air used happens to be compressed using electricity by a non Amish American neighbor, it can be allowed. It can seem very arbitrary to an outside observer...

I am surprised how many Amish and Mennonites seem to enjoy and participate in Steam Traction Engine Shows in Ohio. I would have thought their ancestors would have looked negatively upon steam machinery in the 1800s.


P.S. I will say that the Amish and Mennonites always seem to be extremely dedicated strong laborers who are honest and trust worthy. In Chautauqua my family several time payed for an Amish man to paint our house in Point Chautauqua. Also, our house there was made in 1879 when 2" x 4"s were really two inches by four inches. To match the framing while renovating the house my dad had the nearby Amish lumber mill cut us proper 2" x 4"s. They then required a year? to dry in our back yard - but in the end it matched the original framing.
Last edited by cyberbadger on Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Need a 1" NPT Hoffman 1140-05 Valve BODY Unit ONLY

Post by fredrosse »

Yes, one Mennonite workshop I know of uses all air powered tools, fitted to common Skill saws, drill presses, etc. How to get the compressed air, with absolutely no electricity allowed? A small hand cranked Diesel engine is used to start the larger main air compressor Diesel to run the shop. Sometimes hard to understand that all of this is done in the interest of avoiding newer technology and keeping things "simple".

In a couple of days later this week (WED, THURS, FRI, SAT) the "Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical Association Old Thresherman's Reunion" in Kinzers Pa. will occur. Hundreds of steam machines, and large industrial relics, and many historic tractors, (or should I say "traction engines"). all running for a few days each year. The event is largely run by members of the Mennonite community.
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